Clear Aligners Guide, Sa Aligner

What problems SA Clear Aligners can fix, and what limitations do they have?

If you’re considering clear aligners for a straighter smile, it’s beneficial to understand the issues they can address and those they may not fully improve.

Clear aligners are an excellent option for many individuals. They offer discretion and comfort, allowing you to wear them inconspicuously at work or in social settings. Their removable feature makes it easy to maintain dental hygiene during meals and drinks. The convenience of most clear aligner treatments being home-based saves time and eliminates the need for frequent clinic visits.

Numerous people have found satisfaction with clear aligners and the outcomes of their treatment. If you’re intrigued, read on to discover more about the dental issues that clear aligners can effectively correct.

What SA Clear Aligners can fix?

1. Overbite

An overbite stands out as one of the most prevalent dental issues faced by individuals, with approximately 70% of US adults grappling with some form of overbite. While a mild overbite may not pose significant concerns, more severe cases can lead to pain and difficulty while eating.

In an overbite, the top row of teeth is positioned significantly in front of the bottom row, creating a noticeable overlap when the mouth is closed. The top teeth may be distinctly ahead of the bottom ones, impacting not only the aesthetics of your smile but also various aspects of daily life.

Consider the simple pleasure of enjoying pizza. With a severe overbite, biting into a pizza using your front teeth may be challenging, as the pizza could slip through the gap. Instead, you might have adapted to taking bites with your side teeth. An overbite may result in improper closure of the lips, affecting your overall satisfaction with your smile. Furthermore, in severe cases, an overbite can influence speech patterns.

2. Overbites fall into two categories

Correcting skeletal overbites is more challenging due to their origin in the jaw’s natural shape. Typically, skeletal overbites have a genetic basis, and many require surgical intervention for correction.

In contrast, dental overbites stem from issues with the teeth rather than the jaw. While they may occur naturally, certain behaviors can exacerbate them. Habits such as chewing on objects like pencils during distraction, using a pacifier as adult teeth develop, or engaging in thumb-sucking or tongue thrusting can contribute to dental overbites. Fortunately, addressing dental overbites is more straightforward with the use of clear aligners.

3. Underbite

Opposite to an overbite, an underbite is a less frequent dental issue that individuals encounter. In an underbite, the bottom row of teeth is positioned farther forward than the top row.

Similar to an overbite, the biting surfaces of teeth do not meet with each other when closing the mouth with an underbite, potentially causing difficulties in eating and speaking. Full closure of the mouth may also be challenging, leading to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance in photographs.

Mild underbites pose minimal problems, but in more severe cases, a clicking jaw could indicate an issue with temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Related discomfort, such as regular headaches or earaches, may also be experienced. Severe underbites, particularly skeletal ones influenced by the jaw’s natural shape, may require surgical intervention as a solution. Skeletal underbites, often rooted in genetics and the inherent face structure, present a more challenging correction due to underlying issues.

Conversely, dental underbites can typically be addressed with braces or clear aligners. These cases occur when the jaw has the correct shape, but the teeth are not properly aligned.

4. Crossbite

When some teeth exhibit an overbite while others display an underbite, the condition is referred to as a crossbite. Clear aligners typically prove effective in addressing crossbites by customarily manipulating individual teeth to bring them into alignment. These aligners are tailored to move specific teeth forward or backward as needed.

Crossbites are generally considered a dental problem rather than an issue with the jaw. They are frequently associated with habits like thumb-sucking, and prolonged pacifier use can have a similar impact on teeth alignment. In rare instances, a genetic factor influencing jaw shape and size may lead to a crossbite, preventing adequate space for teeth development. This situation can occur if baby teeth persist for an extended period, hindering the normal emergence of adult teeth.

Fortunately, most crossbites can be successfully addressed with clear aligners, facilitating the achievement of a straighter smile. Instances where crossbites require more invasive treatments are exceptionally rare.

5. Open bite

Open bites pose a challenge, and not all cases can be addressed with clear aligners. However, many cases can be improved without resorting to traditional braces.

An open bite occurs when the back teeth make contact before the front teeth, resulting in a situation where, upon closing the mouth, the back teeth are closed while the front ones have not yet met. This creates a persistent gap between the two rows of front teeth, preventing full closure of the mouth. This gap can lead to difficulties in eating, as small foods may slide through the opening, prompting individuals to adapt by using their side teeth to bite.

Beyond functional issues, open bites can also impact the aesthetic aspects of smiling, both with lips open and closed, potentially affecting one’s confidence. Treatment typically involves adjusting the position of the back teeth while bringing the front teeth further out of the gums. To treat open bite with clear aligners, we need elastic button technique to bring teeth in normal bite.

6. Crowded Teeth

Many individuals have jaws that are too small to accommodate the full set of teeth, leading to dental overcrowding, a condition often addressed through tooth extractions. While clear aligners can sometimes resolve such issues, they may not be effective in every case.

In instances where teeth extraction doesn’t entirely solve the problem, and the remaining teeth remain crowded due to settling in the gums, clear aligners can be employed to move these teeth and enhance the overall smile. Dental overcrowding, marked by overlapping teeth, can lead to issues such as cavities and excessive plaque retention and long-term damage as the teeth rub against each other. Weakened and thinner teeth are more prone to developing ongoing problems.

It’s essential to note that clear aligners cannot create space where none exists. In cases of severe overcrowding, there may be insufficient room for clear aligners to effectively work. In such situations, the removal of some teeth or reducing the enamel in axial tooth contact known as IPR(interproximal reduction) is required before initiating a clear aligner treatment plan may be necessary.

Wisdom teeth, emerging much later than the rest, can contribute to overcrowding issues by displacing other teeth. If your dentist recommends the removal of wisdom teeth, it is advisable to undergo this procedure before starting aligner treatment to ensure optimal results.

7. Excessive Gaps

Primarily a cosmetic concern but one that can impact confidence, excessive gaps between teeth pose a challenge for some individuals. This issue often arises from having a jaw that is too large for the number of teeth it should accommodate, resulting in each tooth having more space than necessary and creating visible gaps.

While excessive gaps in teeth don’t necessarily require correction, individuals who are dissatisfied with their appearance due to these gaps may seek a solution. Clear aligners are a viable option for closing such gaps, providing a cosmetic enhancement to align the teeth and reduce visible spaces.

Whether the gaps have been present since the emergence of adult teeth or resulted from a tooth extraction, clear aligners offer a potential solution by moving the teeth to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing alignment.

Children’s Dental Issues

Many clear aligner providers typically refrain from treating children and require patients to have all their permanent teeth before initiating aligner treatment. However, in rare instances, certain providers, such as Invisalign, may address dental issues in children.

Children’s teeth undergo continuous growth, shifting, and changes until reaching adulthood. While some may adopt a wait-and-see approach due to this ongoing development, it’s essential to recognize that early treatment can prevent more significant issues later on. Misaligned teeth in childhood can potentially lead to lifelong bite problems, necessitating more invasive treatments in the future. Consulting with a dentist can provide insights into whether early intervention could benefit a child’s smile.

For children using clear aligners, it’s not a one-time solution, and further teeth straightening may be required in adulthood. Nonetheless, early treatment can enhance confidence during crucial teenage years and minimize the need for extensive dental work in adulthood.

Aligner treatment may be accessible for children as young as six, especially when dental issues are noticeable even at this age. As a child gets their first permanent teeth, any concerns with misalignments can be observed. While some problems may resolve as more adult teeth emerge, a family history of dental issues may indicate a potential need for ongoing monitoring and intervention.

What clear aligners cannot fix?

Clear aligners do not serve as a universal remedy for all teeth alignment issues throughout life. They are suitable only for addressing mild to moderate dental malocclusion. Severe problems may necessitate surgical interventions or more invasive treatments that require closer monitoring.

Problems that clear aligners can’t fix include:

1.      Gum Disease and Cavities

Effectively addressing gum disease requires a diligent dental hygiene routine. Neglecting dental hygiene can escalate the issue, potentially leading to more severe diseases, complications with jaw bones, and the development of cavities.

Clear aligners are unable to rectify gum disease or cavities, and they cannot be utilized if these problems are already present. Prior to commencing any treatment, it is essential to address and resolve gum disease and ensure that any cavities are filled.

2.      Problems with Wisdom Teeth

Clear aligners exclusively reposition the visible teeth in your mouth, focusing on the ones noticeable when you smile. They do not affect the back teeth, making them ineffective for addressing issues related to wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth problems are common, and if they cause pain or discomfort, extraction may be recommended by your dentist. For individuals considering clear aligner treatment but experiencing existing wisdom teeth issues, it is generally advisable to undergo wisdom teeth removal before starting the treatment. This allows the mouth to undergo a healing period before clear aligner therapy begins.

3.      Tooth Shape

Clear aligners can’t change the shape of your teeth. They can move your teeth, but can’t change your smile if you don’t like how large, small, pointy, rounded, or chipped your adult teeth are.

Preparing for SA Clear Aligners

The majority of clear aligner treatment providers will insist on all your adult teeth being in place before initiating treatment. If you lack all your adult teeth, you have the option to wait or seek a provider willing to treat children. It’s important to note that most providers recommend waiting for a good reason – until all permanent teeth are present, your smile may still undergo changes. Investing time and money in achieving a straighter smile could be disappointing if a new tooth emerges and disrupts the progress. Treatment is more effective and enduring once all permanent teeth have erupted.

Ensuring your mouth is in optimal condition is crucial before considering clear aligners. Rejection reasons may include gum disease, cavities, and problematic wisdom teeth. To enhance your candidacy, adhere to regular dental checkups and maintain excellent dental hygiene.

Before commencing, your clear aligner provider should present a comprehensive treatment plan illustrating the anticipated results. It’s essential to set realistic expectations, as severe dental malocclusion may not be easily rectified with clear aligners. If you have concerns, consider selecting a provider that offers results guarantee.

Bonus Tip

Schedule a consultation with our dental expert at SA Aligners. We can assist in identifying the root cause of your crooked teeth and provide a range of teeth-straightening solutions, such as Clear Aligners. You can start your teeth alignment treatment for just $49 by buying the SA Aligners Impression Kit. Visit or call at (315) 526 1915.


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